For this project, I teamed up with two classmates to design a bird-safe glass wrap for the Billington Library at Johnson County Community College. This was a project in collaboration with the campus bird strike initiative, whose goals are to reduce the number of birds hitting windows at the school. 

We designed and mocked up a glass design as a group. After the project and class wrapped, I created additional assets for Stacks Cafe, located on the first floor of the library.

I designed an educational banner depicting flyway patterns and facts about bird migration in Kansas for Stacks Cafe. I also designed a sticker for coffee cups and pastry bags promoting the bird study and posters explaining how to report a bird strike on campus.

Designed by Anna Ronan, Hannah Gage, and Dayanara Trevizo, 2023.

Design updates by Anna Ronan, 2024

If you see a bird, spread the word!